For some really annoying reason I have dreams that have continuity. That means, I dream about something on one night, then the dream continues on another night. Lately, this one dream just wont let up.
As far back as 5 years ago, after I graduated in college and when I was already a self employed businessman, also working part time as a voice actor, also earning off Ebay, well, you get the idea… bottom line was I was earning well, I always had dreams where I had to go study in high school AGAIN. And no, I don’t mean I flunked and had to repeat a grade or two, it’s always about having to go back and take 2 years of high school again. I really didn’t understand the dream and even in the dream, I didn’t get why I was in there again. I was with my high school classmates again, taking the same stuff again, stuff that I knew was already over and done with and that I didn’t need to know for whatever career I chose.
In that same dream, there are certain subjects that I simply chose not to attend. In high school, you don’t have that option – you don’t “drop” classes in high school. In my dream, I chose not to attend certain classes and as the year draws to a close, I felt the anxiety of possibly failing those classes. Lately, something new was added to the dream. There was a huge term paper due. The deadline was in less than 2 days and I had nothing done, I didn’t even know what I was going to write about!
These dreams occurred about 3 times this week. I wake up so annoyed!
I try to analyze the dream. I don’t really have much of an idea as to what it means. To me, high school is over and I really don’t care to look back on it. I didn’t bother to go to my high school reunion and I don’t keep in touch with anyone in my batch. I am not sure, but the dream may have something to do with the fact that sometimes, I have doubts as to whether I really learned anything in high school. Sure, I passed all the subjects and I never failed a single one, but I did I really learn anything? Or was the way I studied simply mechanical?
As far back as 5 years ago, after I graduated in college and when I was already a self employed businessman, also working part time as a voice actor, also earning off Ebay, well, you get the idea… bottom line was I was earning well, I always had dreams where I had to go study in high school AGAIN. And no, I don’t mean I flunked and had to repeat a grade or two, it’s always about having to go back and take 2 years of high school again. I really didn’t understand the dream and even in the dream, I didn’t get why I was in there again. I was with my high school classmates again, taking the same stuff again, stuff that I knew was already over and done with and that I didn’t need to know for whatever career I chose.
In that same dream, there are certain subjects that I simply chose not to attend. In high school, you don’t have that option – you don’t “drop” classes in high school. In my dream, I chose not to attend certain classes and as the year draws to a close, I felt the anxiety of possibly failing those classes. Lately, something new was added to the dream. There was a huge term paper due. The deadline was in less than 2 days and I had nothing done, I didn’t even know what I was going to write about!
These dreams occurred about 3 times this week. I wake up so annoyed!
I try to analyze the dream. I don’t really have much of an idea as to what it means. To me, high school is over and I really don’t care to look back on it. I didn’t bother to go to my high school reunion and I don’t keep in touch with anyone in my batch. I am not sure, but the dream may have something to do with the fact that sometimes, I have doubts as to whether I really learned anything in high school. Sure, I passed all the subjects and I never failed a single one, but I did I really learn anything? Or was the way I studied simply mechanical?